Thursday 4 September 2014

shawl - online seller , statements versace necklace - qireina_style ,
black blouse - Zara , black pants - Armani Exchange , shoes - Charles and Keith

Throwback when i was on a short work trip to Johor Bharu last two weeks ago.
Actually that was my very first time pakai shawl yang crunch crunch gitu
or istilah lainnya, "shawl malas" cus we don't need to iron and save time!

I tak tahu pon tutorial on youtube but satu pon takde. isad.
haha. So, i used my own creativity lilit-lilit je shawl tu and thordiaaa, that was the result and not bad actually.
:D :D :D :D 

Got that dark brown shawl from one of the vendor in The Strand Mall events.
Sangat murah. 10 MYR only. Before this selalu nampak online seller jual almost 30 MYR. wedehel men.
Ingat nak borong bebanyak but banyak warna yang menarik dah SOLD OUT.
So, brown ni je berjaya tambat hati dan perasaan. 
Love at first sight omputih kate.

Okay, and lagi satu my Versace necklace tu i bought from one my friends, an online seller too.
tak sangka boleh jumpa dia dekat The Strand Mall and she suggested me to buy that one.
First time we met pon dekat event di Rasta TTDI. So it was an unexpected catch up with an old friend.
she has a very good taste in fashion, i told ya.
Will buy a lot of accessories from her soon, she sells hot and trendy items okay.

I dont have a full picture of me so i just cropped half of it.
Selfie nama pon kan how come nak snap full picture.
Anyw, im not choosy in buying clothes or anything. tak kisah pon if tak branded
as long as im comfortable with the materials and cantik di mata I.

written by : fifiemiera

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